5 Easy Steps to Catch Santa
A proven method to capture Santa Claus on Christmas Eve
1. Wear warm clothes. To catch Santa in the act, you'll need to be outside so you can spot him as soon as his sleigh nears your neighborhood. So be sure to don a nice warm hat, jacket and boots because you never know what time Santa will arrive in your area. It could be a long night.
2. Set your camera to the fastest shutter speed possible. Because Santa has to make it all around the world in a single night, the guy drives a supercharged sleigh that is faster than any known technology, so you'll need to be quick to catch him. If you don't have a camera with a shutter speed of at least 1/3200 of a second, well, you better borrow one from your neighbor.
3. Grab a snack so you don't get hungry. It's going to be cold outside, so you better grab some tasty cookies and a Thermos of warm cocoa to keep you company. Make sure you have plenty of extras so you can share when Santa arrives. And grab a few carrots, too. The reindeer like them.
4. Be patient and watch the skies. The secret to catching Santa is patience and a good eye. You may want to practice some skeet shooting before attempting to capture Santa, as this will improve your hand/eye coordination and make it more likely you'll be able to aim and focus your camera in time. But don't practice skeet shooting on Christmas Eve when Santa is flying!! You wouldn't want to accidentally knock him out with one of those clay pigeons.
5. Cheat. Now that you've spent all night watching the skies without any sign of Santa (I TOLD you he was quick), you'll have to admit defeat and resort to Internet trickery (aka Capture The Magic) to prove to your children that you were actually able to get a photo of him at your home. It's ok. Many parents have resorted to the same techniques so they wouldn't disappoint their children. After all, that's what we parents do - we go out of our way to make our kids happy, even if we can't really catch Santa.
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